Monday is Labor Day… but not a trash day! Yes, there’s a holiday pickup schedule this coming week. Bulk pickup is the following week!
Continue reading “September 2021 Bulk and Holiday Schedule”At the August Board meeting we reviewed the proposal from Stillwater, our landscape vendor, to do the winter overseeding of the community’s turf areas.
If you’re not aware, here’s some background. There is a perennial (grows year after year) grass in our turf areas called Bermuda, which really thrives in the summer, but tends to go dormant in cooler temperatures. Specifically, if daytime temperatures go below 65°, Bermuda grass pretty much turns brown. Within the soil – under the surface – the roots of Bermuda are still alive, and need minimal irrigation. But it doesn’t look good – and historically we get a lot of complaints from residents about how the turf looks in the winter, if only the Bermuda is there.
But there’s an annual (has to be replanted every year) grass that thrives in the cooler Arizona temperatures, which is called Ryegrass. To plant the Ryegrass, the irrigation is stopped for about a week when the temperatures fall below the 60s. The Bermuda grass turns brown, and the Ryegrass is planted, often along with aerating the turf and application of a fertilizer. And watered… a lot! The water costs almost as much as the Ryegrass seeding costs, in most years.
But you and your neighbors have spoken loud and clear for years: you want green grass in the winter! So each year we budget for the extra cost. Normal budget is just under $10,000 for the Ryegrass application, and about that much for the additional water. I have to admit I like the green turf in the winter too, and the cost – while it seems high – is well worth the better community appearance… and your satisfaction.
But this year, the price of Ryegrass application is considerably more expensive, primarily due to increased prices of the seed itself, which have doubled, by most accounts. The reason for the seed price increase is beyond the scope of this post, but see this article from the US Golf Association (they know a thing or two about grass growing!).
Another consideration is that many landscape professionals recommend not overseeding every year, saying that every 3-5 years there Bermuda needs to be left “uninvaded by Ryegrass” to maintain the long term health of the Bermuda. The consensus view of the board has been that the desire of the residents for green grassy turf in the winter is more important than allowing our grass to go brown in hopes of improving the underlying Bermuda.
All of this came into the discussion, and the board decided to proceed with overseeding most of the Rio Crossing turf areas — but to experimentally leave two smaller turf areas undisturbed:
We plan to monitor the health and vitality of the turf in those two areas for a year or so afterward, and determine whether there is – or is not – a good reason to allow other turf areas within the community to “rest the Bermuda”.
We don’t really want the main park area to look like this any longer than necessary:
But if the long-term health of the turf can benefit from one “rest year” out of every 5, I hope we’ll consider a rotating “rest period” throughout the turf areas. Doing one major or several minor turf areas each year would at least give us some nice grass around the community every year. Prior boards have taken the “all or nothing” approach to the rest periods… resulting in the entire community turf being brown. Our landscape company has recommended this approach for us, and I think it’s a reasonable alternative to “all or nothing” without never giving the Bermuda a rest.
You probably know the difference between Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, and Independence Day. If you’re curious, click the links.
Many City of Avondale employees have Memorial Day off, including the trash/recycle crews. Therefore, the pickups for the week of Memorial Day are both delayed:
I was asked by Maricopa Association of Governments to invite anyone interested in the future of transit service in Avondale to consider attending a community meeting.
I attended one of these a few weeks ago, and I was impressed with the forward-thinking approaches to enhancing transit in the Avondale-Goodyear area.
If you are a current rider of the Zoom service that circulates around Avondale and connects to other transit resources, you should definitely attend, as there will likely be changes in that area.
MAG’s Transportation Planner Jennifer Valentine wrote:
Please feel free to invite friends, coworkers, employees, customers, members of your HOA, etc. who have an interest in the future of transit service in Avondale and Goodyear. We’d appreciate your help in spreading the word about the community meetings. Meeting information can be found on the project website, at, and below:
March 4, 2021 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM
Passcode: 575516
March 10, 2021 from 9:00 to 10:30 AM
Passcode: 388134
I know this whole COVID thing has been dragging on for a year or more now. For those of you that liked getting out in the neighborhood for a community event now and then — we miss having “movie in the park” night, and especially our Winter Festivals!
I’ve been wondering… are there online events that Rio Crossing residents would like? I know some of you (or your kids) play online games, some of you would love to have a little “chat with your neighbors” night (while others may hate Zoom — understandable!).
I’m not sure what we could do, or who would be interested. But if you have some ideas about ways this could work, I’d love to hear about them. Use the Feedback page to let me know.
I’ve done a few short-run podcasts in my day, and they’re actually easier to put together than most things I do for Rio Crossing social-media wise.
I’ve set up a podcast for Rio Crossing, more or less on a trial basis to see if there’s really any interest. Check out the Podcast home here on Anchor.FM, and if you’re a big podcast listener, you’ll find links there to podcasts on a number of popular sources, including Apple and Google.
If you really like podcasts and have suggestions for topics, or would maybe consider chatting with me on a podcast — any topic you like (within reason!) — send me a note from the web site’s Feedback page.
For the second time in 6 months, there are fresh tire tracks and a broken sign in the Heatherbrae entrance. Part of me wants to believe that this was an accident, but the sign was replaced the next day, and was stolen within a couple of hours of being put there.
I won’t bore you with the technical definition of “criminal damage” from Arizona statutes, but if you see someone damaging common areas of the community, please contact Lisa with details.
If you have a beef with the association, there are more productive ways of dealing with it. If you just want to get rid of the association, there are ways of doing that too.
In November of 2019 (just before the last Winter Festival) there was more extensive damage done to the Roma Park turf caused by someone taking their vehicle on a joyride through the park in the wee hours of the morning. For that damage, the Avondale Police Department was involved.
Please respect your common area property.
The City of Avondale doesn’t permit draining of pool water into the streets.
This isn’t particularly an HOA issue, but we often try to get the word out to folks on things like this. We’ve noticed a number of people lately just rolling the hose out to the street and letting it flow. Here’s the flyer provided by the folks at the city:
In late June, some unknown person put handmade signs at each of the Rio Crossing exits:
The intention of the poster’s author is unclear, but rather than keep you in suspense, Ray Harwood researched the association’s governing documents regarding the requirements to dissolve the HOA. He documented the results of his research in a YouTube video, available here and by clicking the video’s thumbnail image below.
Just to be clear, the board does not support the dissolution of the association, but we felt the members should know the process through which it could be accomplished.