Annual Meeting 2018 – Summary

The Annual Member Meeting of the Rio Crossing Homeowner Association was held Thursday, September 27, 2018 in the Mojave Room of the Avondale Civic Center.


Melanie announced there were 45 absentee ballots sent by mail, and 1 by email. There were two members present who had not yet voted, which brought the quorum to 48; only 35 were needed conduct business.


Two non-board members present proceeded to tally the ballots.  The results were announced at the end of the meeting, with the following candidates receiving the most ballots, and therefore becoming the members of the next term of the Board of Directors: Julia, Stephanie, Andres, Ryan, and Ray.

Meeting Agenda

There were several items covered during the meeting besides the election.

Minutes from the two member meetings held in 2017 were available to attendees, and these were accepted.  (Note: Two meetings were held last year.  At the first meeting, it was thought that quorum had not been obtained, and after a brief discussion, the meeting was adjourned without an election.  Subsequently it was determined that a quorum had been obtained, and a “continued” meeting was held to conduct the election.)

There was a brief financial review, which included the Budget Comparison Statement for month ending August 31, 2018.

Miguel from Stillwater, our landscape vendor, gave a brief update on recent landscape activities, and mentioned that the winter rye grass over-seeding would take place the following week, and that the new irrigation controllers would also be installed that week.

There were a couple of homeowner comments/questions:

  • There was a recommendation that the landscape plan revision include an educational area, with labels of various vegetation, so that residents can learn more about the plants around the community.  In discussion, the possibility of also having additional plant educational information on the HOA web site was mentioned.
  • There was a question about audio recording of meetings, which prompted a brief discussion of the Planned Community Open Meeting statute portion related to audio recordings, contained in ARS 33-1804.

The meeting was adjourned at 8pm.